
"Terraformation" captures the enduring stories etched within the contours and patterns of ice and rock, as they bear witness to the cyclical forces that have shaped our planet over millennia. With a meticulous focus on the minute textures of rock and ice, this photographic series delves into the geological formations sculpted by the relentless power of glaciers throughout time.

These images invite contemplation on our relationship with these formidable agents of erosion, revealing their vulnerability in the face of human influence. As both dependent beings and active agents in geological processes, we confront the profound impact we have on the Earth's transformation.

"Terraformation" illuminates the delicate balance between our dependence on the Earth's geological forces and our capacity to shape them. It beckons us to recognize our responsibility in nurturing and protecting the fragile equilibrium between humanity and the ever-changing geologic tapestry that envelops us.